Dan Biddle

Dan Biddle

Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, Survivor, Determination to succeed, Embracing change
FEE : £1k – £3k+
Virtual: £1k-£3k
In-person: £1k-£3k


Dan Biddle

Dan Biddle’s account of surviving the events of 7/7 is a story that sets him apart from others. Stood just 2 feet away from the suicide bomber on the Paddington bound tube train, Dan Biddle recalls the pulling of the detonator cord and the immediate aftermath of the explosion that was to kill 6 people and seriously wound many more on that fateful day.

In every day life we use our anxieties to keep us safe, Dan is in the high risk category and lives in Wales so during this pandemic Dan had been completely isolated and can speak in detail on this and the lived experience of isolation and anxiety.

Dan Biddle’s account is one of the coincidences leading to him being in the wrong place on that day, the horrors of witnessing others die around him, and the 3 cardiac arrests, and 70 operations that he endured as a result of being the most injured survivor from the London wide bombings. Channel 5 subsequently ran a programme about Dan Biddle on The man who should be dead’ as part of its ‘Extraordinary People’ series.

For corporate audiences Dan Biddle’s tale of resilience and ongoing personal battles is an extraordinary account of personal determination and refocus, which has allowed him to manage a serious case of post traumatic stress disorder, and to deal with his ‘survivor guilt’.

Dan Biddle’s session identifies the steps necessary to overcome the odds, to reset personal focus and goals, and how he has become a successful and award winning business owner and advisor to others. He challenges others to push themselves beyond their comfort boundaries, and to overcome personal barriers in an honest, forthright but highly engaging style.

Book Dan Biddle

Dan Biddle  may no longer be able to get out of his wheelchair due to the loss of his legs on that unforgettable that day, but he will have your audience on their feet in admiration and respect for his story, his achievement and his inspiration.

Featured Topics Include:

Equality and diversity and the positive impact of embracing disability
Overcoming adversity
Adapting to life with a disability
Breaking barriers
The importance of excellent communication in business
Never give up attitude and the ways to become empowered by change
Embracing change
Dealing with trauma and guilt
Rebuilding a life from the bottom up
Learning to cope with a mental illness
Maintaining positivity
Detours on life’s journey
Maximising opportunity
Determination to succeed
Equality and diversity and the positive impact of embracing disability
Overcoming adversity
Adapting to life with a disability
Breaking barriers
The importance of excellent communication in business
Never give up attitude and the ways to become empowered by change
Embracing change
Dealing with trauma and guilt
Rebuilding a life from the bottom up
Learning to cope with a mental illness
Maintaining positivity
Detours on life’s journey
Maximising opportunity
Determination to succeed

Dan Biddle’s account and delivery at the conference was show stopping. He spoke eloquently and with pace, recounting what could only be described as revisiting hell. You could have heard a pin drop with the atmosphere in the New Scotland Yard briefing room. Following his account there was an ovation the likes of which I have rarely ever seen. It is still being talked about across the Institute and has provided security practitioners with an inside perspective that many of them never expected and something to take back to their operational environments to support their workplace.

Senior Investigator with the Serious Fraud Office in London and Disaster Victim Investigation Lead Officer for the 7/7 London Bombings


Dan Biddle’s speech was inspirational, and the content made you put your own life into perspective. He made you realise that whatever challenges you face in life, they are always surmountable. The realisation emerged that you should never be scared of failure, and instead should see it as a way to move forward.

New Hall School