Black History Month Speakers
Black History Month was created to challenge racism and to celebrate black culture and the lives of black people who have done remarkable things for all around the world. It has since grown into a national event that is celebrated annually throughout the month of October.
This years theme is: Reclaiming Narratives. This theme underscores a commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories and the full complexity of Black heritage.
Black History Month is an annual celebration that draws attention to the vital need for representation, identity, equality and diversity in the workplace, schools and everyday life.
A great way to celebrate Black History Month,Champion Diversity and Tackle Discrimination in Your Workforce is to book an external speaker to come your business and speak to your employees.
We have championed just a few of our black history month speakers, or you can click the link to view all our speakers on this topic
A promising footballer who went on to represent Team GB at the Paralympic Games, Alistair Patrick-Heselton’s story is one of perseverance and determination. Alistair now acts as a mentor and speaker for the next generation of footballers, working with the PFA, Premier League and regional FAs to guide and inspire children across the country.
Since making his Team GB debut at the 2011 CPISRA Championships for England, Alistair became a shining star for his country, playing a crucial role in the lead-up to the 2012 BT Paralympic World Cup final.
Ije McDougall is the Founder of The Kairos Initiative, a Magistrate and a HR/Employment Law Expert.
Her unique perspective and lived experiences as a immigrant woman mixed with her BBC training and HR background have provided much needed insight and engagement to her audiences. Her talk on Racial Equality was featured on the Black Lives Matter Website.
With her unique storytelling technique, Ije has spoken to a wide array of audiences from schools and colleges to multinational corporate audiences.
Michael Johnson is Four time Olympic Gold Medallist and the best 200/400 metre sprinter in the history of the sport of track & field.
Michael Johnson is the best 200/400 metre sprinter in the history of the sport of track & field, Johnson’s progressions through the ranks of track and field were swift and stunning. A dual event world champion, the likes of which were never seen before, he dominated the international scene winning a spectacular 19 international gold medals without a single silver or bronze.
Steve Gilbert OBE is the go-to speaker, consultant and coach for organisations serious about delivering meaningful change.
With over a decade of experience leading work to tackle racism, and improve outcomes for people living with mental illnesses
Featured Showreel - Donna Fraser OBE
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Featured Showreel - Kriss Akabusi
Featured Showreel - Ije McDougall
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