Dave Keeling

International Speaker on Change Management, Communication and Wellbeing

Speaker fees:

In-person: £1k-£3k
Virtual: £1k-£3k


Change Management
Teamwork and Communication
Creativity and Enhancing Wellbeing
Teamwork & Communication

Dave Keeling is an international speaker on change management, improving teamwork & communication, developing creativity and enhancing wellbeing.

Dave ‘Billy Elliot’ Keeling grew up in a pit village in Nottinghamshire and was tap dancing three times a week by the age of ten.

Never one to shy away from challenge and risk, he then moved into the world of acting and trained at the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Dave has worked extensively in theatre and television.

Dave is the author of ‘The Little Book of Laughter’, ‘Rocket up Your Class’, ‘The Book of Invisible Teaching’ and a contributor to the ‘Big Book of Independent Thinking’.

His credits include Downton Abbey, Eastenders, Coronation Street and Blood Brothers in the West End. Dave also has a background in stand-up comedy and has gigged up and down the country, enjoying laughs, cuddles and salty snacks with anyone who cared to join him.

Dave has been a Laughologist since 2008. Highly engaging, dynamic, fast-paced and quick-witted, he has been delivering workshops and programmes in education, health and business.

As a facilitator, presenter and trainer, Dave has worked nationally and internationally in business and education for the last 20 years. He specialises in change management, improving teamwork and communication, developing creativity and enhancing wellbeing.

He has worked with Sotheby’s, BP, Hewlett Packard, British Aerospace, Metropolitan Police, Royal Bank of Scotland, BNP Parribas as well as the education sector delivering outstanding training on topics as wide-ranging as risk-taking, curiosity, managing change, leadership, thinking skills, memory, P4C and the brain.

His unique blend of learning, laughter and energy will lift and energise your conference, away day, or corporate event.


Book Dave Keeling

Featured topics include

Delivered with fun and laughs, we take delegates on a journey through some surprising science to reveal how to harness the power of laughter and humour to improve lives.

Everyone likes to laugh, and unless you are unnaturally miserable, everyone enjoys humour. But did you know laughter can help you lose weight and look younger and that humour can cure illness? And both can be used to increase health, wealth, wellbeing and success.

We are experts in the science of laughter, humour and happiness and this fascinating keynote uncovers their secrets using the latest research in neuroscience and psychology. We have used this knowledge to create systems and interventions that have been delivered successfully in organisations including blue-chip multi-nationals, government bodies, health and educational establishments.



This keynote delves into human behaviour and takes a scientific look at the mind

Most people do not realise that we are hard-wired to prefer people who look like us, sound like us and share our interests. We make decisions that affect our lives and the people around us, based on deep sub-conscious processes. This is called unconscious bias and is one of the hottest topics in employment because it bypasses rational thinking and affects diversity and equality.

This keynote delves into human behaviour and takes a scientific look at the mind and the processes that happen within it. Delegates will discover how we learn to think, act, behave and communicate and gain a greater understanding of the processes that help and hinder development.



In this ground-breaking keynote, delegates will discover that humour is a cognitive skill that is learnt and can be enhanced and utilised

Imagine having the power to take on challenge and change positively and turn them into opportunities. Imagine having the resilience to overcome negatives and face difficulties with strength. This is the Laughology FLIP technique; a way of thinking and behaving that uses humour to improve lives and outcomes. It enhances personal and organisational performance using the psychology of humour and happiness.

Our expert presenters will reveal how to apply Laughology techniques for developing positive thinking and behaviours to increase mental agility and emotional intelligence. This keynote reveals how to turn the bad into good and look at the world in a different way.



This keynote looks at emotions, tone, pitch and communication and leaves the audience with a greater awareness of behaviours that can be used in business, relationships and life.

Connecting with people is a vital skill for effective leadership. People who master it gain the keys to success and power. But just how do the best communicators become highly-skilled influencers with the ability to win hearts and minds?

This fascinating keynote reveals the secrets of human communication and gives tips and techniques you can use to help you become a master communicator. You will discover how verbal and non-verbal communication can be used to influence others and learn about the small changes you can make to help you connect better with others.



Explore how the neuroscience and psychology of happiness works and why some attempts to create happy workplaces fail and unpick what realistic happiness is.

Everyone wants to be happy at work. So why are so many people unhappy? This is one of the great paradoxes of modern organisations. The enlightened ones realise that happy people are better, healthier and give more effort. So how do you make them happy?

This is our area of expertise. We were developing techniques to create happy workplaces before anyone else and are the UK’s leading experts in the science of happiness. This keynote is one of our most popular, and has been delivered to over 10,000 delegates throughout the UK and Europe.

We reveal how organisations can harness the psychology of happiness to create a culture of sustainable happiness which builds resilience, wellbeing, engagement and productivity.



A keynote which investigates the importance of perception and subconscious judgments and reveals how these impact on our communication and negotiating skills

The art of negotiation is one of the most valued skills in all walks of life – just asked the people tasked with delivering Brexit. If you understand the processes that lie beneath the language and communication of negotiation, you can negotiate more effectively and fairly. Learning to be a skilled negotiator will help you make deals, solve problems, manage conflict, and preserve relationships.



This growth mindset keynote investigates the fascinating psychology and neuroscience of growth mindset and looks at the theories behind the way we learn and develop

‘I can and I will’, goes the saying. David Brent probably had it printed on a mouse mat… and a mug. Maybe even a t-shirt. Brent had many failings; mysogny, choreography – but he wasn’t a quitter. He had growth mindset. He faced whatever life threw at him with positivity, and when he got knocked down (frequently), he got back up again and kept trying.

David Brent is probably not the best person to model your managerial style on. But growth mindset -the ability to meet change and adapt – is something every successful person and organisation needs. Growth mindset cultures improve motivation and effort. They develop positive approaches to new challenges. Teams with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges and be more persistent.

This keynote uncovers the secrets that lead to success and gives delegates techniques they can use in everyday life to develop and thrive. Thankfully, it won’t turn you into David Brent – but it will make you laugh, and if you practice what it teaches, it will help you to be more positive and resilient .



What people say

This is the third time we have been lucky enough to use Dave Keeling. Thoroughly recommend Dave as he’s one in a million and the best feedback from his session was a member who said “I have a really bad few weeks at work, but after one hour with Dave, I have not laughed so much in ages and feel so much better about life in general now



Regional Chair, South East The National Association of Care Catering

Dave was very engaging and hilarious. The course was good and made you think and will improve the way our managers think about things.



The New World Trade Company

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