Kelly Grainger

Kelly Grainger is a leading advocate for awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity and the co-founder of Perfectly Autistic.
FEE : £1k – £3k+
Virtual: £1k-£3k
In-person: £1k-£3k


Kelly Grainger is a leading advocate for awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity and the co-founder of Perfectly Autistic.

Kelly Grainger is a leading advocate for awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity, having been formally diagnosed as autistic at 44 and with ADHD at 45.

Having worked successfully for 23 years in corporate settings with the likes of PepsiCo, Merlin Entertainments and News International before his diagnosis, Kelly is now travelling the country as a speaker sharing how businesses can be more accepting of neurodiversity.

Kelly is the co-founder of Perfectly Autistic, which he launched with his wife Hester after both he and his children were diagnosed as autistic and then with ADHD. Kelly was motivated to help others through their diagnosis. Since then, he has been approached by Mind’s Mental Health at Work programme to create toolkits, workshops and training programmes that businesses can use, in order to be more friendly towards neurodiversity in the workplace.

An advocate for good mental health and understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace, Kelly has been featured by the National Autistic Society and was invited to speak at The Autism Show 2021, 2022 and 2023. He has also been featured in the likes of the Disability Review Magazine, Huffington Post, The Independent, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph. Kelly was also invited to work with Heathrow Express to promote awareness of hidden disabilities and has spoken at the United Nations Global Compact Network UK.

Book Kelly Grainger

Now booked as a speaker for a variety of corporate and public events, Kelly shares his experience of autism and ADHD and how businesses can be more inclusive of neurodiversity. In his proficiency as a speaker, Kelly provides workshops for corporate clients on how they can create happier, healthier and more productive workplaces, by being inclusive of all.

A contributor to BBC radio, Kelly is passionate to see that autism and neurodiversity are accepted and understood. When looking for a speaker who will help your business to become more inclusive, look no further than the engaging Kelly Grainger – the ‘go-to speaker on neurodiversity and autism’.

Featured Topics Include:

Being diagnosed autistic as an adult
Autism in general- being the parent of autistic children
Using neurodiverse friendly principles in the workplace to create a healthy, happy and productive workforce
Neurodiversity and mental health
Being diagnosed autistic as an adult
Autism in general- being the parent of autistic children
Using neurodiverse friendly principles in the workplace to create a healthy, happy and productive workforce
Neurodiversity and mental health

Nothing but positive feedback from the event. Kelly was absolutely brilliant, he was so engaging and there were many takeaways from the talk. We received so many questions in the Q&A part of the event, which just shows the huge interest in our colleagues wanting to find out more about Neurodiversity.

Emma, Close Brothers


Kelly delivered a really fantastic session yesterday! His talk was super engaging, clear and really insightful. We’ve had lots of great feedback come through already and the Teams chat was alive with discussion so it was fantastic to see that so many people found the conversation insightful and thought-provoking. The session was exactly what we were looking to achieve in terms of helping people to think openly about how we shift our customer experiences to make them more accessible and inclusive. So really big thank you to Kelly!

Emily, BP