Jude Pullen

Jude Pullen Winner of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Alastair Graham-Br...

Speaker fees:

In-person: £5k-£10k
Virtual: £5k-£10k


Technology & Digital

Jude Pullen Winner of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Alastair Graham-Bryce “Imagineering” Award (2020).

Jude Pullen is one of the eight featured inventors in BBC Two’s Big Life Fix documentary series that helps people with disabilities through technology and design.

Passionate about bridging seemingly disparate disciplines, Jude thrives on projects with high risk, uncertainty and pressure; drawing from global networks and experiences to deliver award-winning work.

With an exceptional ability in communicating the essence of highly technical subjects to a wider audience, he appears regularly in design conferences including the Royal Institute. His talks cover topics such as futurism, radical beta-testing, design thinking, innovation, sustainability, diversity, and disruptive technology. Known for their energising authenticity, his talks are praised for inspiring the audience to “rethink and challenge the way they work and innovate together”. In other words, a tech ‘agent provocateur’ for corporate strategy.

Book Jude Pullen

Featured topics include

Why AI is a new ‘bicycle for the mind’ (to paraphrase the old Steve Jobs quote). AI cannot tell companies what they will become, but it can accelerate how their teams explore the future. Jude takes you on a journey of establishing our natural ‘fear of the unknown’ (or ‘Gutenberg Printing Press -fears’), and how we can move through history, to the present and then prototype a future where more people become comfortable with a given new experience. He is keen to highlight this creates a feedback loop, accelerating acceptance and in time appreciation of bolder innovation that change our lives for the better.

Diversity may seem to be a PR / HR issue, but at its core, it’s an Innovation Issue. Whether you’re in FinTech and thinking ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ – but need to consider why none of your products are designed by women for women;  or you’re a Start-up of multi-racial geniuses, but who all have come from similar privilege; or you’ve been successfully designing best-sellers, but your market is shrinking as values and social norms slowly change. Many love the phrase “Think Different”, but really, how different are your team’s thoughts – and how can you connect better with existing consumers, and understand the needs of vast untapped ones? This talk helps establish awareness and methods for putting your company’s collective intelligence to greater use.

Innovation Myth 1: You can’t ‘see’ the Future. Truth: instead you have to ‘create’ visions of it – and Pilot / Beta Test it to validate it. Timing is key.
Innovation Myth 2: Organisations think “I’ll know it when I see it”. Truth: Many reports show ‘experts’ are the last people to see the next big thing! “Gradually… then Suddenly” is far more common than we’d like to admit, and the only way to prepare for it is to anticipate change and create stories that depict not just what might disrupt you from your industry, but to look beyond to other tangential industries which might enhance or undermine your strategy. As a Tech Scout of many years, Jude demonstrates how to quickly explore for cross-industry tech/innovation that might radically change your business. You cannot know what will happen and when, but you can anticipate more than you think…or indeed, you can choose to lead with it. There are times when being a ‘Fast Follower’ is shrewd, but there are some useful acid-tests to see if this is missing a bigger opportunity to overtake the competition altogether.

You can chase the Carrot or the wait for the Stick – but either way, “the times, they are a-changin'” – and your company can be seen as embracing new societal needs with vigour (even if making a few misfires, but overall being meaningfully progressive), or reluctantly dragging their heals – as a sign they are past their best, until a young upstart provides a compelling alternative that makes them obsolete. There is no ‘Sustainability project’ or ‘Diversity quota’ which will save you, but rather an ongoing process of education and finding the holistic benefit to what is unquestionably hard work, but makes for a healthier company with greater longevity and brand love. Jude aims to show how managers don’t have to be ‘100% right’ in order to win, but superficial posturing will not endure. Incorporating modern Ethics into a ‘business-as-usual mindset’ is key to these challenges feeling enjoyable and a countermeasure to ‘quiet quitting’. Ironically these ‘wicked problems’ are the seeds of job satisfaction and unprecedented growth, but we have to sow them well in advance.

What people say

Jude is a thermonuclear dynamo of creative energy. He looks across all opportunity spaces with an infectious sense of curiosity. Combined with his inventive mind and practical know-how, he possesses a tremendous innovator toolkit. It’s always a pleasure to discuss the future with Jude since he ignites the imagination and makes sparks fly.

Martin Saunders, Innovation Director – Lego Group

What can one say? The man’s a tour de force. Curious, direct, positive, and bountiful with excellent ideas and solutions to the most perplexing of issues – Jude is exactly the sort of person you want on a team that wants to think big and make stuff, fast.
We worked with Jude on a discovery phase at the beginning our dev process and he not only nailed the brief but over-delivered what was required.
I’d 100% work with Jude again and look forward to the day that I do.

Benjamin Redford – Founder and CPO at MaykuFounder and CPO at Mayku

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