John Dabrowski

John Dabrowski

Mental Resilience International Speaker
FEE : £1k – £3k,
£3k – £5k+
Virtual: £1k-£3k
In-person: £3k-£5k


John Dabrowski

John is a published Author, International speaker, and Global expert on Mental Resilience.

He has spent over 30 years in the business world, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges.

His mix of vast experience allied with an accomplished ability to make personal growth simple, delivered with his infectious enthusiasm and energy, has inspired audiences, and made him a most highly regarded and sought after personal growth expert.

John has played basketball both as a professional and for England in the Commonwealth Games and once scored an unprecedented 98 points in one match and this remains the current British record to his day.

He was a top performing premier league basketball club manager for the Manchester Giants. He then went on to become a high achieving radio sales manager and a multi award winning agency director in the advertising and marketing world.


Book John Dabrowski

Personal Growth Facilitator:
He is a qualified NLP practitioner and NLP coach – he has a particular gift in teaching visualisation and inner voice techniques which access the subconscious to help create the future people really want. John has personally used these techniques to great effect in both his sporting and business career.

Mental Resilience Expert:
His inspirational, thought provoking, entertaining and content-rich “Mental Resilience” series of keynote speeches, seminars and masterclasses are regularly accredited by delegates as the inspiration for dramatic improvement and success. Delegates leave his events with secrets and tools to develop their business, their management skills and to achieve immediate,sustained business and personal growth.

John’s keynote talk includes a selection of videos to drive home points about Mental Resilience as well as stories to inspire the delegates. John goes through his own inspirational life story which demonstrates a great deal of mental resilience to overcome adversity.

Featured Topics Include:

An understanding of the five components of mental resilience
The benefits of mental resilience in business
What we can learn from top performers in business and sport
Techniques to improve mental resilience
The power of visualisation and self-talk
How to maintain a positive mindset in stressful times
How to bounce back quickly from setbacks
Emerging from Covid
An understanding of the five components of mental resilience
The benefits of mental resilience in business
What we can learn from top performers in business and sport
Techniques to improve mental resilience
The power of visualisation and self-talk
How to maintain a positive mindset in stressful times
How to bounce back quickly from setbacks
Emerging from Covid

Well paced session. Clear messages and techniques coverage very well. I really enjoyed the subject and passion that John spoke with. The breathing technique definitely works!

Rolls Royce Customer Team, Vice President – Services, UK


He taught us techniques on mental resilience, staying positive and also how to relax. Feedback from staff was overwhelmingly positive – he’s an engaging guy with a fantastic story. I would not hesitate to recommend John as an inspirational speaker.

Douglas, British Embassy, Abu Dhabi