Dr Ruth Briant-Jones

Medical Doctor, Wellbeing Coach, ex Royal Air Force Officer, Corporate Traine...

Speaker fees:

In-person: £1k-£3k
Virtual: £1k-£3k


Health & wellbeing
Mental health & wellbeing
Public & service industry
Change & uncertainty
Military & veteran
Inclusion & diversity
Inspirational women

Dr Ruth Briant-Jones has a portfolio career as a Medical Doctor, a wellbeing coach, corporate trainer and speaker.

She has had varied, exciting  and challenging life experiences to date, working for 12 years as a Royal Air Force Officer, seeing active service in Afghanistan, and lately, being very busy working in A&E during a pandemic.

Ruth is passionate about the power of Lifestyle Medicine – a preventative approach to health and wellbeing, which seeks to put each of us at the heart of our health and wellbeing journey.

She speaks with this as a central concept, educating listeners about what happens in the human body and mind as a result of lifestyle, explaining the science of stress and behaviour change, as well as inspiring people to make lasting and positive change in their lives.


Book Dr Ruth Briant-Jones

Featured topics include

The hot topic of the moment; we are all talking about it – but how many of us are actually doing it? Are you really creating a culture of wellbeing within your business, or are you struggling to know how to make it happen? Ruth gets deep into this topic, exploring the science of wellbeing, providing a picture of how well we are, and offering practical advice on how to catalyse real, meaningful culture change within your business.

An exploration of the real physical manifestations of stress, and the impact of chronic stress on physical and mental health. This impactful talk teaches delegates about what happens in the body when we are stressed, demonstrating that stress is real, that feeling it is not a weakness, and that if we can recognise the warning signs, we can do something to help to become more resilient to it.

A talk looking at how we can create lasting and meaningful change, exploring the psychology and science behind behavioural change, and examining how lifestyle impacts on our ability to achieve change. Ruth explains the brain and change, habit hacking, barriers and foundations in creating change, and willpower & motivation.

Ruth looks at longevity, health and wellbeing, and how closely linked our lifestyle is to maintaining a high quality of life into older age, reducing the risk of chronic disease, cancer and dementia. Covering 5 pillars of health and wellbeing, how lifestyle causes or prevents chronic disease, understanding what happens in cancer and dementia & what we can do to minimise the risks, and where to start with making lifestyle change

An emotive and personal talk about Ruth’s experiences in Afghanistan as a Royal Air Force Officer, and how asking herself one powerful question provided a catalyst for change – change that others doubted she could make, but through determination and self-belief, she made successfully. Ruth explores motivation. mindset and the power of meaningful introspection in how we create and catalyse change for ourselves, and for our organisation.

Ruth shares her experiences as someone who has been devastated by the loss of a loved one to suicide, exploring the themes of depression, loss and change, resilience, and how adopting a leadership mindset in response to challenging and difficult situations can give us the opportunity for healing, growth, and happiness.

In this  talk, Ruth shares her unique experiences and insight into being a female specialist in challenging environments, including in a war zone. Drawling parallels with subject matter experts embedded in all types of organisation, she explores the mindset and approach that can help these ‘lone wolves’ to be a part of the fabric of the organisation while maintaining autonomy as a specialist advisor.

What people say

Deeply moving and inspiring. I felt like I was there with you.

Speak Up Challenge Event

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