Rob Hosking

Rob Hosking

Embark on an inspiring journey with Rob Hosking, a TEDx international motivational speaker, former front-line police officer and passionate mental health and workplace wellbeing advocate.
FEE : £1k – £3k+
Virtual: £1k-£3k
In-person: £1k-£3k


Rob Hosking

Embark on an inspiring journey with Rob Hosking, a renowned TEDx international motivational speaker, former front-line police officer, and dedicated advocate for mental health and workplace wellbeing.

He is known for his inspiring journey from adversity to happiness and now passionately speaks to organisations about how they can create thriving cultures in the workplace. Through fearless talks, he vulnerably shares his experiences with mental health challenges and trauma providing his audience with lessons on how they can prioritise their wellbeing and thrive in the face of challenges. Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone and this is where Rob excels. Rob brings the power of stories to his talks as he shares with the audience the many incredible stories from the frontline translating them into lessons of the subject matter for the audience to take away.

Drawing on his rich experiences, Rob translates the principles of stress management, resilience and mental toughness, leadership, teamwork and navigating change learned in the high-pressure world of policing into invaluable lessons for the corporate realm. In his talks Rob delves into the pivotal role that employee happiness plays in driving organisational excellence, highlighting how the wellbeing and resilience of any workforce are essential ingredients for a thriving organisation. His experiences of dealing with trauma from suicides to the death of his colleague have made Rob a sought-after speaker imparting his knowledge and lived experience to the corporate world. It is Rob’s ability to balance humour with extreme vulnerability that stands him out from the rest and that has attracted large companies to seek him out. With his powerful message and authentic delivery, he is a sought-after speaker who leaves a lasting impression on every stage he graces. Whether it’s an international conference, corporate event, or staff training day, Rob’s talks are tailored to engage, inspire, and motivate. His unique lessons can be applied to any field of work and audiences will take away actionable insights that can empower them and their team to navigate adversity with confidence and achieve excellence in any situation.

Book Rob Hosking

Featured Topics Include:

Preventing Stress Buildup

Gain actionable insights into stress management, including the importance of regular breaks, the cultivation of a culture of self-care, and the implementation of comprehensive wellbeing programs. Discover how these strategies contribute to individual resilience and overall workplace sustainability.

Mental Health in the Workplace

Ultimately, this keynote aims to inspire organisations to cultivate workplaces where mental wellness is not only valued but actively prioritised, fostering a resilient, empathetic, and successful workforce.


Rob looks into the role of leadership and highlights the importance of fostering an environment where leaders empower their teams, cultivate trust, and drive meaningful change.

Workplace Culture

Through compelling anecdotes and real-world examples, Rob delves into the strategies and tools that can transform your organisation's culture into a thriving one.


From adaptive leadership to fostering a resilient corporate culture, Rob explores practical approaches to fortifying your organisation's ability to weather storms and emerge more robust than ever.


Rob explores the art of proper teamwork highlighting the necessity of open communication and trust in creating a thriving workplace where teamwork and connection exists.

Preventing Stress Buildup

Gain actionable insights into stress management, including the importance of regular breaks, the cultivation of a culture of self-care, and the implementation of comprehensive wellbeing programs. Discover how these strategies contribute to individual resilience and overall workplace sustainability.

Mental Health in the Workplace

Ultimately, this keynote aims to inspire organisations to cultivate workplaces where mental wellness is not only valued but actively prioritised, fostering a resilient, empathetic, and successful workforce.


Rob looks into the role of leadership and highlights the importance of fostering an environment where leaders empower their teams, cultivate trust, and drive meaningful change.

Workplace Culture

Through compelling anecdotes and real-world examples, Rob delves into the strategies and tools that can transform your organisation's culture into a thriving one.


From adaptive leadership to fostering a resilient corporate culture, Rob explores practical approaches to fortifying your organisation's ability to weather storms and emerge more robust than ever.


Rob explores the art of proper teamwork highlighting the necessity of open communication and trust in creating a thriving workplace where teamwork and connection exists.


Rob's presentation revolved around his wealth of personal experience in promoting happiness and holistic wellbeing, and he has an innate ability to captivate audiences with his storytelling prowess. His authenticity and heartfelt narratives resonated deeply with attendees, creating a truly moving experience. I firmly believe that his insights, coupled with his natural ability to connect with diverse audiences, would make him an invaluable addition to your event."

Celeste Miranda, CEO Holistic Lifestyle Expo


Rob's talk reminded me of the power we all possess to shape our own lives and find happiness, even in the face of challenges. His genuine enthusiasm and contagious energy filled the room, creating an uplifting atmosphere that inspired everyone in attendance. I was particularly moved by Rob's practical tips and insights on cultivating happiness in our daily lives. His thought-provoking perspectives challenged me to reassess my own priorities and adopt a more intentional approach to finding joy."

Bethal Ekaette, TEDx Organiser