Hamish Taylor

The Customer promise, Innovation, Take the organisation with you!

Speaker fees:

In-person: £5k-£10k
Virtual: £5k-£10k


Customer focus & experience
Sales & marketing

Hamish Taylor’s energetic, thought provoking and humorous keynotes are based on a rare combination of real stories and a fantastic ability to inspire audiences with tailored advice and practical tools.

Regularly featured in broadcast media, today Hamish Taylor  acts as an advisor to some of the world’s largest companies (and even Governments) assisting with specific innovation projects, customer focus and/or people leadership.

As the self appointed “chief dumming down officer” in each of his roles, Hamish Taylor’s  approach is simple  – but highly effective in delivering breakthroughs.

1. The first thing that has to change is the way you look at your customers (both internal and external) If you look at your customers the same way, you will get the same answers and keep doing the same things.

2. Secondly, you need to use your customer insights to create a new leadership tool – a simple “customer promise” as a platform for ALL future activity that puts customer benefit at the heart. Your customer doesn’t care about what you do, but about how they benefit as a result of what you do – so use this as your key purpose.

3. Thirdly, you must look to other environments and industries if you want breakthrough ideas for product, service, process, leadership and much more. The Inspired Leaders Network dubbed him the “Master thief” due to his track record in this area.

4. Concentrate you major energy on changing the way you engage with the team that will deliver the customer promise.

Book Hamish Taylor

Featured topics include

Lessons in putting the customer at the heart of all activities within your organisation (or department)

Lessons in driving innovation and change by “stealing” ideas from outside

Lessons in making sure you take the organisation with you!

What people say

Hamish’s presentations crackle with energy and original insights that make even our group of top-level, seasoned, high-achieving UK business and public sector leaders think ‘Crikey: that’s inspiring! Why didn’t I think of that!?’ And these are people who it’s hard to impress…

Chairman, The Inspired Leaders Network

Dynamic and energetic messages; Hamish challenged our thinking and made us view some of our leadership issues as opportunities


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