Dr Shaun Dellenty

Shaun Dellenty is a multi-disciplined and multi award- winning speaker, storytel...

Speaker fees:

In-person: £1k-£3k
Virtual: £1k-£3k


Adversity & Resilience
Change & Uncertainty
Inclusion & Diversity
Mental Health & Wellbeing

Shaun Dellenty was twice named one of the 100 most influential LGBT+ people by the Independent on Sunday ‘Pink List’

Shaun Dellenty was one of the first UK gay state school primary school leaders to ‘come out’ to his whole school community in the press. Named by the Guardian’s top twenty figures in public life ‘Global Diversity List’ alongside Barrack Obama, Orpah Winfrey and Jacinda Ardern, Shaun’s work has regularly featured in international press and he has advised at UK government committee and policy level.

Shaun is widely lauded as a powerful, inspiring and authentic speaker displaying tremendous resilience, compassion and vulnerability. Shaun speaks about DEI (with an LGBT+ focus) as well as mental health and even his days in the acting profession! Shaun wrote the acclaimed 2019 Bloomsbury book ‘Celebrating Difference- A Whole School Approach to LGBT+ Inclusion’ recommended in UK Parliament by Lord Michael Cashman and recorded in Hansard.

Shaun Dellenty (NPQH, FCCT, FRSA, B’ed Hons, HonDrEd) is a member of actors union Equity and has appeared in a range of theatre and TV and film productions including the film ‘After 82’, the long running soap Emmerdale as well as numerous voice overs and live presentation work. Shaun is currently writing his second book ‘That Gay Teacher’ a memoir of his life and advocacy.

Shaun founded the acclaimed compassion-based LGBT+ inclusion education strategy ‘Inclusion For All’ initially aimed at tackling LGBT+ bullying in his (then) London Primary School.
Shaun has spoken at numerous national and international education, human rights and anti-bullying conferences and has a global reach extending over twenty-five countries.

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What people say

In my 19 years of teaching the day spent with Shaun and our pupils was my most powerful day in education. Within school now there is a clear LGBT+ presence and voice. I do feel that they can see themselves reflected more in school that before and I have heard far less homophobic language within the school.

Ben Eyres – Assistant Headteacher Ramsey Grammar School, Isle of Man

Pupils and staff really enjoyed him – I thought it was very powerful to have the personal testimony from someone in education – also, he was funny and energetic – he shot a hole through every possible justification of prejudice.

Assistant Head

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