Dr Kate Allatt

Dr Kate Allatt

Living without limits, survived and thrived after a brainstem stroke , Don’t lower your expectations!
FEE : £3k – £5k+
Virtual: £3k-£5k
In-person: £3k-£5k


Dr Kate Allatt

Kate Allatt astonishingly survived and thrived after a brainstem stroke at 39 years of age, with a Locked In Syndrome diagnosis.

She is an internationally published author ‘Running Free – Breaking out of locked in syndrome‘ and an inspirational  & motivational speaker. Founder and CEO of global advocacy charity Fighting Strokes. She is Co-Collaborator researcher at the University of Nottingham. She passionately believes that no one should lower your expectations, you don’t only live once but  only die once and that there are no promises, just possibilities in life!

She passionately believes in delivering practical conference, keynote speeches or workshops that empower patients with the knowledge, skills and confidence to better self-manage their chronic long term conditions. This ‘person-centred’ supported self-management will help the NHS realise their Five Year Forward View vision.

Book Dr Kate Allatt

Kate was awarded the “Extraordinary Woman of the Year” in 2011 for her amazing recovery.

Kate was a NHS user, engagement consultant, mental health coach, mentor, proven keynote, after dinner, motivational & schools speaker. She appeals to the NHS, Case Managers, Rehabilitation Lawyers, Head Teachers,  large corporates & pharma companies

Kate Allatt can speak to audiences on the following topics:

Featured Topics Include:

Don't lower your expectations! (Health, business, head teachers)
Think it. Dream It. Work it. DO IT! (Large corporates, sales teams, annual conferences)
How to improve patient experience (NHS primary & acute sectors)
Illness & wellbeing is inextricably linked (NHS primary & acute sectors)
Making self-management happen (NHS primary & acute sectors)
How to avoid stroke clinical negligence (Lawyers and case managers)
Improving the assessment process (Lawyers & case managers)
Don't lower your expectations! (Health, business, head teachers)
Think it. Dream It. Work it. DO IT! (Large corporates, sales teams, annual conferences)
How to improve patient experience (NHS primary & acute sectors)
Illness & wellbeing is inextricably linked (NHS primary & acute sectors)
Making self-management happen (NHS primary & acute sectors)
How to avoid stroke clinical negligence (Lawyers and case managers)
Improving the assessment process (Lawyers & case managers)

Kate was remarkable and had over 1,000 GPs and students spellbound – I anticipate her rating as one of the highest of conference, and you know that the standard is excellent generally. I can also recommend her book ‘Running Free'.

Dr. Helen Stokes-Lampard, Royal College of GPs


Warm, engaging and memorable, our guests were enthralled by Kate Allatt and her inspiring story.

Phillipa Charles, The Garfield Weston Foundation