Ben Clench

Ben Clench

Author, TedX speaker, brain injury survivor, changing mindsets
FEE : £1k – £3k+
Virtual: £1k-£3k
In-person: £1k-£3k


Ben Clench

In 2010, Ben’s life changed forever. Whislt visiting the Dominican Republic with his girlfriend, they were both hit by a speeding car. Ben’s girlfriend Jasmin, was killed instantly. Ben was critically injured, in a coma for a month and left with a life-long brain injury.

The past ten years and been a journey of unprecendented reccovery and impossible achievement. Despite countless doctors claiming Ben might never walk, talk or having anything like a normal life again.

Ben has gone on to complete a second masters degree, write a book and give a hugely celebrated TEDx talk.

Now, Ben is using his survival, recovery and mantra of ‘following the patient’, to help create positive change in peoples lives, work and health.

Ben gives a visceral account of surviving a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and what it took to prove all the negative medical expectations and forecasted outcomes to be totally inaccurate.

Ben’s talk highlights the mind-frames needed to get the most out of people. He gives the audience positive ways to think about and approach problems they might be facing. Ben talks about how you can change tack to avoid potential difficulties within work and life more generally.

Book Ben Clench

Ben’s story touches hearts as well as minds and gives different ways to think about life’s challenges. He shows you how anything in life can happen, as unexpected as it might be.

Ben gives strong messages which are hugely motivational and reflective. He shows how to feel energised and reflective and how to keep going no matter how difficult the situation may be.

Education Specific:
Ben’s story touches your heart, mind and offers you a different way of thinking about the problems you come across in life. He offers you a different perspective so as not to fall into negative mind frames, depression and anxiety. His story shows how you can stay away from these negative mindsets and achieve the goals you want to achieve. You can always find the support you need to help you not to fall down these pathways. Being honest and recognising these states of mind allows you to get the support and encouragement you need.

Featured Topics Include:

Mental wellbeing
Risk and survival
Health and wellbeing
Overcoming adversity
Self development
Call to action
Mental wellbeing
Risk and survival
Health and wellbeing
Overcoming adversity
Self development
Call to action